OTL was on the hunt for a logo that would capture the attention of potential customers early. Learn more about their experience with Hatchwise below. OTL received a range of logos with different styles, font choices, images, color choices, and more. By the time their contest was done, that’s exactly what they had. OTL came to Hatchwise in hopes of finding its brand’s visual identity through a logo.

One of Hatchwise’s many clients is On The Low Towing (OTL). All the clients will be required to do is choose which design they want to move forward with. Once a client fills out a creative brief, their contest can start. When a client works with Hatchwise, they are leaving all the creative work to a team of creatives from all around the world. That’s why many companies decide to partner with Hatchwise. Creating a custom logo is no easy undertaking.